Friday, September 21, 2007

It Lasts Longer

My friends have recently made some pictures of us available that I wouldn't mind sharing with the world. This was during the time of orientation so Aug 24-30. The pictures are not in chronological order.

This Caitlin and Kali on David's and Art's shoulders (l to r) and Scott in the front.

Jakie, Kali, and I in a bar trying to imitate the poster behind us.

Better imitation of the poster.

Forget the imitation! "Cheese"

Wild night of Korean Karaoke!

Last day together. Sad


Denise said...

Hi Mei-Li - Using your blog as a teaching tool is a great idea. I am truly enjoying reading of your adventures. Your candid feelings, thoughts, reactions and insights are most interesting. As you know (I think you know) I am the international undergraduate admissions person at UA. You are so right. Koreans do not all look alike nor do all have the same dialect. You'll find this true of all Asian cultures, i.e. Chinese, Japanese, Indian etc.

Years ago, when I was in Grad School, taking a multicultural counseling course, one of our assignments was to engage in a diverse experience individually. I visited a Hindi temple in Pittsburgh for one of their services. It was actually an enjoyably revealing experience. The reaction of my being there was quite kind for the most part, although a couple of older women glared at me suspiciously. I did get an opportunity to use the one Hindi word that I knew "Namaste" After the service, a few approached and spoke to me. I was dressed in one of my African outfits, and they assumed that I was African. I told one person why I was there and that I did learn some interesting facts. Also, I told them that I was Christian and invited them to my church if they were ever in Akron. At that time, it was the main temple in the Ohio-Pa. area, so many from the Akron area would travel there. While it was not in India, when you enter the grounds, you know that you're not exactly in Pittsburg either.

Your blog is giving me wanderlust again. My last international trip was in 2005 to Spain. Loved it! First time that I rented a car in a foreign country. . . . such a sense of freedom. Would do it again in a heartbeat, depending on the country.

I look forward to reading your future postings.

God Bless!

Sister Denise