Sunday, December 9, 2007

Greek Step Show in Korea

Okay so I know my posts are like one week later than the actual events but that is because I usually try not to over stimulate but I will do a lot better of keeping this blog updated so that everyone will have an accurate account of my time here in Korea. I hope that everyone is enjoying the blog so far and please feel free to leave a comment anytime.

Now: the step show weekend was the best weekend I have had yet in my stay here in Korea. I am so grateful to my Sorors and all their hospitality.

So the highlights of the weekend were this:

Getting my braids redone

This is the hair shop where 4 Korean women (certified by Dudley), did my braids and I am so going back!!!!

Hanging out with Black People

The AKA's hosted a great step show and here are pictures of the Poster, Crowd, and Alphas

Congrats goes out to the Zetas who took home Runner Up, Line Dancing at the After-Party, and Angelica and I looking cute!!

Getting PeptoBismal!!!!

There are no photos of this but man if you lived in Korea and ate the food here you would understand why it is a great event to have the Pink Stuff in your home.

For the full album here is the link

Until then here are some other photos that are fun:

Me and Soror Ebony's Maltese Tyra, Ebony's living room, The Sphinx

The is video is of the army kids stepping and it is so cute, Unfortunately my videos of the AKAs and Alphas show are too big so I will have to figure out how to make that available to everyone. Just like the School festival videos there are still to come.....


Anonymous said...

Hello Mei!
Well, this is my first time after having the baby that I have actual visited your blog. I read your comment about missing home, family, friends and I can so relate because it seems that I have been disconnected and away from family for years now due to my living in various states. I am going to try to do better at keeping in touch with you while you are over there. I gave your address, tel #, and blog address to my mom as well.

Okay, I had my baby! His name is Dylan Amare, he weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. Beautiful baby boy! He looks exactly like Austin did at that age -- when you see pictures of Dylan at 2 months you will this it is Austin! When I learn how to navigate my way around your blog, I will try to upload a few pictures of my handsome boys.

Christmas won't be the same this year without you here. I know your mom is missing you and will be so lonely during Christmas without you. She spent Thanksgiving in FL and GA. When she was in GA, she drove here to Bham to visit for a couple hours and got a chance to see the boys. We (Rone, me and the boys) are going home to Ohio this year for Christmas. Austin wants to see snow and I want Nana to see Dylan. She hasn't seen Austin since he was 2 yrs old. At 4, Austin is almost as tall as your mom -- he comes up to her breast, and I took a picture of Shirley holding one of his gym shoes up to her foot and it was almost a good fit -- give him another month or two and he will probably be able to wear her shoes! Growing like a healthy plant. :) Dylan is 9 weeks old today, wears size 3-6 month clothing already.

We are getting closer to the start of building our home. There is so much involved when you work as your own general contractor. When you return to the states, we should be in our home. I can't wait! We so need more room, and I am looking forward to having bedrooms for guest to sleep over when in town, and even more excited about decorating and buying for the house! I am going to go interior design crazy! :)

I so need to loose weight and I am determined to do so. I turn 43 in 2008, and don't want to be FAT at 43! Today I am going to buy a family membership at the YMCA and I have already been talking to a co-worker who is a certified personal trainer and she is going to work with me (for a fee of course), but it will be well worth the money if she can help me target certain areas.

Wel, I am going to close for now but will definitely touch base with you again soon.

Love you! Take care and keep posting to your blog.

Bye for now!
Cousin Sheen