These are the clay pots that are used to transport water and on the top are chili peppers drying in the sun.
The man is holding up a piece of hardend honey that he will twist and pull (like taffy) into thin
This is the Wishing Rock and you write your wish on paper and tie it onto the ropes. You can't tell anyone!
This is like a traditional workshop
The following pictures are of Traditional Korean Housing
This is just a really pretty view of the Korean Country side
The following pictures are of a Traditional School
Do they do everything standing up? This is me on a swing. More sideways pictures to come.
This is the inside of a wealthy home. This picture enlarged is worth seeing.
The National Flower
The following are Sacred Temples and statues out of Lava
The following are of me getting a Korean Manicure. Back in the day they would take a red flower and crush it and mix it with oils and a liquid (possibly water) and put it on their nail for extended periods of time. The nails will naturally turn red and will stay for a few weeks. I didn't keep mine on long enough so I have an orange pinky.
This is the video of the See Saw girls, they are AMAZING!!!
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