Saturday, September 1, 2007

And Then There was One

Well it's official. I am in Gumi. First off I am not teaching at an all boys school and I am teaching at two schools. But nothing is definite. How is that even possible? My studio Apt is nice, but I still don't seem to have my address. Apt 205 is as good as it gets. So I will have to bug my Co-Teacher, who is so cute (female), and get her to tell my landlord I need the address. There are 3 Very interesting facts about my studio apt:

  1. The bathroom is my shower. Literally. The floor has a drain and the shower head is connected to the sink.
  2. My kitchen is on the patio with my washing machine. It consists of two gas burners, a fridge, and a rice cooker. Oh and a microwave.
  3. My windows have been painted black to block out the light.

But I have a/c which is an actual luxury that many of my friends know I will never use.

So let's do a run through of my day today:

7Am I find out my toilet doesn't flush and have to demonstrate peeing to my landlord to get her to understand

8Am Watch Home Alone 3 because that is the only thing in English on the TV

8:30 Am Go to my school to meet the Principal where I am fed 3 different times (which isn't a bad thing) and the teachers played mini Show-N-Tell with me to the other teachers and classes. Yes S. Koreans have school every other Sat. No I don't have to work.

  • BTW did I mention the 15 min walk took me 1hr because I took a wrong turn and ended up in the mountains. Bad childhood memories of a similar incident in Lynch Kentucky arose.

12Pm I arrive home change my clothes and head out to the streets. I really just wanted to go to the mall and buy a few items for school and my students, and some black pants. I really dropped the ball on the whole packing business casual clothes.

2pm After walking halfway there I caught the 15 to what I think is downtown and checked out all the shops. Some of them are really expensive, but there are others not so bad. Not like in Seoul though. They seem to have an unnatural obsession with Jessica Alba. Weird. Anyway I am now here in a PC Bang listening to Avril L. and getting ready to eat at Lotteria (the Korean McD's) because when going to the grocery store it is best to be able to know how to read the food let alone cook it before you buy it. So there will be a dining out budget. Fruit is all I recognize and they have a french bakery here so I will there. In the next blog I hope to have my address and finish uploading my pictures. Plus have fun class stories. Anyoung! Mei


Anonymous said...

Mei, this is Tanisha, I am at work reading your blog. Normally I wouldn't log onto any site like this at work but my last day is Friday so I say what the Hey!!! The first blog entry is hilarious. I think I might do a blog it sounds fun.